Windwaker Cheats Cannonball Game

Zelda wind waker hd1.jpg The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Walkthrough Although the overall quest is linear, there isn't one right way of getting through the game.

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Get the latest The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the GameCube cheats we have available for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.

  1. For The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on the GameCube, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'How do you beat the squid game?'
  2. During the game's final boss in which you are allied by Zelda, use the Grappling Hook or Hookshot on her. You always obtain a free 3 Hearts by doing this! Contributed By: Eevee-Trainer.

Trash In The Ocean

When you lower your hook from your sailboat near a glowing mark in the water, youmight pick up trash, such as a boot, instead of a treasure chest.

Fly Into Mtn On Outset

Go to outset island and use a hyoi pear to control a bird, then fly below the bridge and go behind the rock pilar to where you had to drop down to with knuckles. Note: to know exactly where I'm talking about, use the tingle tuner (and your game boy advance with connector cord) and walk around with tingle near grandmas house, until you run into knuckles and follow his clues to where he wants you to go and at the very end of his trials is where I'm talking about (below the bridge that leads to the forest) and fly toward the mountain until the bird flys into it and you can freely fly around and see the outside of the mtn go towards a wall to exit. Note: you can't get back in unless you go back to the last knuckle spot.

Ghost Ship Chart

Go to all the submarines and defeat all of them and there enemies and you can also you can just fly across the bottom but you can't just do that after get the boat you have to wait until you go get your last pearl I hope this was useful.

Easy Money And Get An Oasis

Play hide in seek with the kids on Windfall Island. Then report to the teacher inside the school. Go talk to the kids again and they will tell you that the teacher likes Joy Pendents. Go in the school and give the teacher 20 pendents. She will give you the cabana deed. Now go to Oasis (show the deed to the doorman) and go in the house. (the Oasis will be named after you) look at the mixed up pic on the wall the doorman will ask you if you want to play say yes. When you finish it he will give you lots of money.

Geting The Joy Penants And Golden Feathers Easier

I am first going to state the golden feather glitch: to get the golden feathers easier, you have to have the grappling hook, once you have it go back to the part of the temple where a golden feathered bird is and take its golden feather with the grapple, then leave the room and come back and steal it again with the grapple, you can do this many times to get the max feathers (this may work in other places but hasn't been tested by me) for the joy pennants glitch, you HAVE to have the grapple, get on your boat and find the submarine in the ocean, there will be a pirate outside the sub, use the grapple to steal a joy penat from him, then go inside the sub and steal the joy penants from the other three pirates, then leave and get the penant from the one outside again and then repeat until you have the 60 joy penants to give to the school teacher on Windfall iland, she will give you 20rupees for one, a house for 20 more, and a mask that can read an enemies health level in Ztargeting (it can also read boss's health level too) (and this glitch might also work in other places but hasn't been tested bye me).

Easier Way To Get The Delux Picto-box

After you have found the picto-box, and have completed the 3 picto-box challenges, head to Forest Haven (make sure you have an empty bottle). There catch a forest firefly. Head back to windfall island and go visit the picto-box guy. He will then explain how to make the picto-box show color. Show him the firefly and he will fix the picto-box to create the delux picto-box.

Joy Pendants

If you give 41 joy pendants to the school-teacher on Windfall Island, she will give you a special prize. Howeveryou will be unable to give her them without first finding the key pendant. After playing hide and seek with the Killer Bees, they will ask you to give the teacher an apology from them. Then when you come back out they will be talking about how the teacher loves joy pendants. The leader will mention that he say one on the top of a tree. This tree is the one by the bomb shop. Roll into it, and the necklace will fall down as the gang congrats you. Take the necklace to the teacher and she'll be so happy that she'll give you a red rupee (20) Continue to show her your pendants when you have one, twenty, and then forty-one. The final prize is very useful in combat.

No Sound

As soon as you jump into a flower thing, pauseand then un-pause. It won't make a sound whenyou're in it.

Tha Amazing Grass-Cutting Pig!

Whenever you slice a pig with your sword a couple of times, it turns red and starts to chase you. Use that to your advantage and run around in the grass. If the pig is still following you, it will run in the grass and cut the grass for you.

Deflecting With Bottles

Phantom Ganon always throws a ball of energy atyou and you have to deflect it with your sword.Well, you can also use bottles. Set an emptybottle to X, Y, or Z and swing the bottle as theball of energy is about to hit you. You will haveto hit the ball of energy multiple times justlike you did with the sword.

Biohazard Girl

If you look closely at Medli, you'll probablynotice right away that here eyes are red. But ifyou look closer, you'll notice that there is abio hazard sign on her dress.


When you come across a Moblin, get close enoughto it to where it sees you and comes after you.L-target it and run away from it. after a littlewhile stop, and take a step toward it. It shouldsalute you for a second and he continue toattack you.

Extra Life

This will only work if you have en empty bottle.Equip the empty bottle, when you see a orb withwings (a fairy) catch it in the bottle. Do notuse the fairy. When your heart containers run outthe fairy will revive you.

Link And The King Of Red Lions Figure

For Link and the King of Red Lions in theNintendo Gallery, you have to get everyone exceptKnuckle (Tingle's brother that can only be foundwith the Tingle Tuner on Outset Island). Afteryou get it, thou, you can't ever get Knuckle.

Free Figures

If you want a figure of Aryll, take a pictureof Grandma. Take it to the Nintendo Gallery andyou'll get Aryll for free. Buy a picture of theKing of Hyrule and get Princess Zelda free. Takea picture of Tetra to get the rest of thepirates. Take a picture of the Rito Cheiftain toget Quill the postman for free.

Hurricane Spin

To get the Hurricane Spin, collect 11 KnightsCrests and go to the guy that gives you thesword on Outset Island. You will have to givehim one, then he will ask you to bring 10 more.after that, then you talk to him, and he willshow you how to do the Hurricane spin!

The Waterfall Cave

On Forest Haven, go to the bit with the waterfalland the grappling point, use your grappling hook,and stop (press R) then get moving again, butonly a bit. With luck, you should let go, andland in this little cave behind the waterfall onthe right. Doesn't seem to have signficance, butit sure looks cool.

The Best Potion

To get the best potion, the elixer soup, first youhave to save your grandma when she is sick, whichis after you have gotten the red boat, and youreturn home. To heal her, you have to stand closeto her, and use a fairy in one of your bottles.When she is healed, she will give you the elixersoup on demand. This soup rocks. It completelyheals you and your magic power and you do doubledamage with your sword until you take damage, andto top it off, you get 2 HELPINGS. The onlydownside is that you can only carry 1 bottle fullat a time.

See The Hero Of Time

After getting the password to the pirates ship,go in Tetra's room over the bed is his picture.

Joy Pendant Stealer

When you are sailing around the oceans you willsee tall mastlike platforms that usually have twobadguys waiting at the top wiht swords or eventelescopes. Use your grappling hook on them andyou will take a joy pendant from their pocket.This is useful when trying to get the 40 pendantsfor the 'health seeing eye'.

Find The Lost Sages

To recover the lost sages of the earth air templeyou must find the new sages. Makar (the air sage)is to be found at Forest Haven. Listen for violinmusic coming from the waterfall. (you will seemusic notes coming from the waterfall) Use yourgrappling hook on the bar above the waterfall andyou will be in the cave. Play wind gods aria infront of makar. (make sure you have iron bootsfor the temple of course) Medli (earth sage) isfound at dragon roost island. Follow the sound ofthe harp until you come to a place where there isa gap across the ocean. Use the deku leaf (wiht agood wind of course) to go across and talk tomedli. Play the earth gods lyric for her andawaken her as a sage.

Learning The Song Of Passing

After you receive the wind waker, show it to Totton Windfall Island (the guy in front of thegravestone). Then, he'll show you the movements.With this song, you'll be able to change day tonight and vice versa.


If you have a fairy in your bottle when you runout of hearts, the fairy will automatically comeout and heal you. The fairy will restore amaximum of 10 (ten) hearts.

Boss's Door Room

In the Boss's Door Room in the Wind Temple, youhave to get Makar across the wind jets. You canalso carry him across. What you do is you pushthe first block across so that it is blocking thefirst two traps on the left or right side. Then,push the final block one space to the left so youhave a clear path. Put on the heavy boots andcarry Makar across. Once you are all the wayacross, put Makar down and play the Wind God'sAria to knock down the block and reveal theboss's door.

Tingle Statues

There are a total of 5 Tingle Statues. You needto use a Tingle Bomb to uncover the treasurechest. They are: Dragon Tingle Statue (DragonRoost Cavern, Lava Passage), Forbidden TingleStatue (Forbidden Woods, Treasure Room), GoddessTingle Statue (Tower of the Gods, North Room 1F),Earth Tingle Statue (Earth Temple, Misty RoomB1), and Wind Tingle Statue (Wind Temple, LedgeRoom 1F). Once you find them, you can view themon Tingle Island.


In Ganondorf's tower, be ready for a long fight.You will have to fight the bosses from DragonRost Island (Ghoma), Forest Haven (Kalle Demos),Earth Temple (Jalhalla), Wind Temple (Molgera),Phantom Ganon (multiple times), and Ganondorfhimself. When you go into the first four bossdoors, it will be in black and white. When youfight the first four bosses, you will only havethe items that you had when you originally foughtthem. After you defeat them, you will have allof your items back.

Great Fairies

There are a total of 8 Great Faries out on TheGreat Sea. They are all scattered over a widearea, but if you have learned the Ballad Of Galesfrom Cyclos, they're all relatively close to thewarp points.Here they are:1.) The Fairy Queen lives in the center of Motherand Child Isles (B2). The only way to get thereis to conduct the Ballad Of Gales.Besides the Fairy Queen, there are seven otherGreat Fairies. Two of them increase your rupeecarrying capacity, two increase you bomb carryingcapacity, another two for arrows, and the lastone doubles your magic meter.They are...Bomb Faries:: Eastern Fairy Island (E3)Southern Fairy Island (D6)Arrow Fairies:: Western Fairy Island (A3)Thorned Fairy Island (G4)Rupee Fairies:: Northern Fairy Island (C1)Outset Island (B7)Magic Meter Fairy:: Two-Eye Reef (D7)****NOTES*****The main way that you can tell a 'fairy' islandapart from the others is that they look likeshort, pin-like towers on the horizon.**The rupee fairy on Outset Island is in thewoods where you rescued Tetra. You need to floatover where the bridge used to be using your dekuleaf, go in the entrance, and work your waythrough the forest till you reach a giantboulder. Bomb the boulder and fall down the hole.***The magic meter fairy is inside the only four-eyed giant squid in the game (next to the reef).To defeat the squid (and any others), you need tosail towards the circling flock of seagulls,target all the eyes at once with your boomerangand attack untill it dies, and try not to getsucked into the whirlpool.****You have to have certain items before you canreach each fairy. I STRONGLY reccomend that youwait till you're done with the Earth and Windtemples before you start searching for them.

Yawning Boat

Look at the King of Red Lions boat for a while. Eventually it will yawn.

Defeat Gannon Easier

In The Wind Waker, it is possible to see youropponents energy. (Note: You need 41 JoyPendants) After the second visit to the forsakenfortress, go back to Windfall Island. Next, talkto the teacher in the Joy School. She will askyou to take care of the killer bees (the group offour kids that follow you around if you are nearthem), as in talk to them, because she is fed upwith their behavior. Go outside and talk to theleader. He will tell you to play hide-and-seek.Find all four kids (one is on the tree near thegate - roll into it), and they will ask you toapologise to the teacher for them. Talk to theteacher, then walk out. The kids will hint outthat the teacher likes Joy Pendants. Go in andgive her one. She will say she would like about20, but she also says that probably wouldn'thappen. Next, use the joy pendants, and she takes20, and gives you the deed to the 'PrivateOasis'. Giver her another 20, and she gives youan item that lets you see the life of youropponents.

Finding Makar (for Wind Temple)

In order to find Makar later in the game, youhave to do something a little tricky. Go to theForest Haven, and when you reach the first BabaBud, go left instead of right. Stand in front ofthe water. If it is not already, change thewind's direction to south. Take out your DekuLeaf, and float into the right waterfall.Continue through the hidden cave to find Makarplaying his instrument. Play the Wind God's Ariahere.

Alternate Music Part 2

This way is harder but you can choose anyname.Once you beat the game and play the second playgame file it will have the same music asputing 'Zelda' in.

Get Killed By A Pig

On outset island. Pick up a pig and put it in a enclosed area. If you have a sword slash the pig. It will turn red and then kill you.

Start Out With Deluxe Picto-Box/Alternate Clothes

All you need to do is have the picto-box in thefirst game,beat the first game, start the secondgame, and you'll start out with the deluxe picto-box in the second game.To get the alternate clothes,just beat the firstgame and start the second game, and you'll startout with the clothes you had on before you gotthe hero's clothes in the first game(the bluepajamas). Aryll will also have some clothes thatthe pirates gave her at the end of the first game(red skirt with a white skull on it).

Easy Money On Dragon Roost Island

Travel to Dragon Roost island and go up to themail delivering service and go on the secongfloor. There they want you to mail letters forpart-time job. Once you mail twenty-five letters,you can keep doing that to earn money.

Defeat The Sorry Disgrace Of A Ghost In Earth Isle

First, there should be a couple of those lightholes around the room.Run to one of those and aimyour Mirror Shield at the ghost.After a coupleseconds of Light[DIE!], It will becomenontransparent and then you need to pick it upand throw it at one of the large spiked pillarsaround the room. It will bust into a bunch oflittle ghosts and then then you need to runaround the room like a nut and whack 'em. Or youcould just unleash the power of the super spin.Kill every last one of them and then the mask ofthe ghost[the fat one] will get afraid and run upto the ceiling where it will get hit by a beam oflight and that will finish that sorry disgrace ofa ghost in the earth temple!

Pajamas...and A New Outfit.

Beat the game once and you can play through thegame wearing Link's pajamas. Also, Aryll willhave a new outfit.

Defeat Ganondorf

When you first start to battle Ganondorf, keepstriking at him with your sword. Zelda will beshooting Ganondorf with the Light Arrows, sounless you distract him, he will jump back anddodge the Light Arrow. When Zelda hits him, hewill be stunned. Hit him with your sword as muchas you can. Keep doing all this until Ganon seeswhat Zelda's doing and hits her. Use ParryAttacks until Zelda gets up. Now she will beaiming at you. Pull out your shield when ever sheshouts out. The Light Arrow will reflect off yourshield and hit Ganondorf. He will pause for a fewseconds. Use a Parry Attack to defeat him.

Getting Past The Gaurds At The Casle

At the casle to get past the gaurds simply liftup the barrel and slowly walk when the gaurdlooks or smells nere you stop moving and thebarrel will cover you.

Easy Money To Read Triforce Maps

You know that Tingle will make the triforce mapsreadable for you, but he charges a high price forthis. First, you should get the 1,000 pouchrupee holder. With you able to carry a lot morerupees you should make your way to Outset Island(Note: you must be at the part where yourgathering the Triforce Maps). Go up to the placewhere you found the map on onset. Just keepgoing threw the first levels over and over againdefeating the emnemies. This way you will getyour money quicker than you thought.

Triforce Map 8: Over Look Island (7,G)

Use the Hookshot to climb the cliffs with the trees. Continue till you reach the hole. When you get in, you will find yourself with the same thing you did on Stone Watcher Island. Just defeat the enemies in the four rooms and the two Knights after that. Then play the Winds Requiem on the creast to make the chest to appear.

Triforce Map 7: Stone Watcher Island (3,C)

Crawl up the the top of the Island and use thePower Bracelets to pick up the giant stone face, revealing the hole. Inside, you will have toclear four rooms with enemies in them. After youdefeat the enemies in the four rooms and you willhave to take on 2 Knights to get to the room withthe crest. With the Knights gone, go into theroom and play the Winds Requiem on the creast tomake the chest to appear.

Triforce Map 6: Outset Island (2,A)

Note: thisarea has a ton of enemies to defeat, and if youare not that good with your sword, then I suggestbringing atleast 1 bottle of grandmas soup withyou in a bottle. Use the Hookshot to pullyoursel up to the tree on the hill. Lift up theFace Rock and fall into the hole. The dungon has30 levels for you to defeat, with each withalmost every enemy game seperated in each floor.As you go on, you will find little floors withlots of money and hearts to heal you if you needit. When you get to the end, play the WindsRequiem on the creast and the chest will appear.If you want to get more money, use the MirrorShield to destroy the statue and combat in 20more levels in the dungon.

Wind Waker Walkthrough

Triforce Map 5: Golden Cannon Boat (1,C)

Find the golden boat and his partners near Needle Rock Island (1,C). Sink it andlights will apear, if the light is in the golden boat then your done, but if itlands in another you must follow the red map that you find. Just follow theorder of the maps, and they go in this order (Map 16,>Map 28>Map 3>Map40>Triforce Map 5.

Triforce Map 4: Ghost Ship

Head to Diamond Steppe Island (1,B) and use the hookshot to lift yourself up tothe tree. Climb all the way up, again using the hookshot, and fall into thehole. Run around from warper to warper killing enemys as you go. You will soonfind the correct path to the Ghost Ship Map. The Ghost Ship appears in certainplaces depending on the phase of the moon. Find the ship at night by looking atyour map at night and it will show its position. Once you find the Ghost Ship,go inside and kill all the ememys. This will let the ladder to the creast, playthe Winds Requiem to make the chest appear.

Triforce Map 3: Birds Peak Rock (7,C)

Using a Hyoi Pear, call a seagull to fly around the top and hit all six switcheswith its beak. When all six are activated the gate will rise. Jump in and playthe Winds Requiem on the creast and the chest will appear.

Triforce Map 2: Links Oasis (5,C)

Play hide inseek with the kids on Windfall Island. Thenreport to the teacher inside the school. Go talkto the kids again and they will tell you that theteacher likes Joy Pendents. Go in the school andgive the teacher 20 pendents. She will give youthe cabana deed. Now go to Links Oasis and go inthe house. Use the grapling hook to put theswitch on the roof and make your way into thefireplace. Search through the area of mazes intell you find the crest. Play the Winds Requiemand the chest will appear.

Triforce Map 1: Islet Of Steel (2,B)

Destroy the boats surrounding the area and cannons if you like.Then sail insidethe area. Play the Winds Requiem on the creat to make the chest appear.

Obtain The Fire & Ice Arrow's & Learn The Ballad Of Gales

In order to obtain the Fire & Ice arrows yo musthave the Hero's Bow. Then in the sea, locate acyclone & sail your boat into it. A gigantic froglooking monster will pop out of the cyclon. You'llonly have a limited time to shoot him until hesuck you in the cyclon. If you fail to hit himwith the arrows, you'll be randomly warp to alocation on he map. If you hit him with about 3arrows he will give up and teach yu the Ballad OfGales. This song will warp you to any cyclonelocated on the map. Once you learn the Ballad OfGalles warp to the cyclone spot located directlynext to the Forsken Fortress. The warp takesinside a little island that is covered in layersof rocks. Inside you'll meet the Great Fairy & shewill give you the Fire & Ice arrows. The arrowsneed magic power in order to work. Your MP costfor the arrowsshould be 2.

Bottle Locations

There are a total of seven submarines located in the sea. The following is a listof all seven and what you receive for completing them: Submarine 1: (3,A)Treasure Map 14 Submarine 2: (7,A) Heart Container Submarine 3: (6,C) BottleSubmarine 4: (4,D) Heart Container Submarine 5: (7,F) Red Map, Watch TowerLocations Submarine 6: (3,G) Treasure Map 22 Submarine 7: (5,G) Treasure Map 9

Giant Squid Locations

There are six Giant Squid hidden throughout the ocean. You can see where they areby looking for seagulls flying in a circle over the water. When you sail yourboat in the correct spot, a Giant Squid will appear. To defeat the squid, lockonto the eyes with the boomerang. The following is a list of Giant Squids andtheir rewards: Four Eyed Squid: (4,A) Great Fairy: 2x Magic Meter Eight EyedSquid: (1,B) 100 Rupees Eight Eyed Squid: (5,C) 100 Rupees Eight Eyed Squid:(6,E) 100 Rupees Twelve Eyed Squid: (3,E) Heart Container Twelve Eyed Squid:(6,G) Heart Container

Zunari: Magic Shield

Get Flower One from Zunari on Windfall Island after defeating God's Tower. Bringit to the Goron Trader on Mother and Child Island (2,F) and he will give youFlower Two. Bring Flower Two to the Goron Trader on Great Fish Isle (2,D) and hewill give you Flower Three. Bring Flower Three to Zunari and you will receive theMagic Shield. This allows you to cut damage taken in half, but also takes MagicEnergy.

Windfall Island: Enemy HP Scanner

After you have completed the hide 'n' seek game on Windfall Island, you will beable to give Mrs. Marie (the teacher) Joy Pendants. Give her 41 pendants and youwill receive the Enemy HP Scanner. This allows you to see enemies' hit points.

Windfall Island: Purchasing The Sail

While on Windfall Island, you will meet an Eskimo named Zunari. He will offer youan item named 'That' for 80 rupees. Buy 'That' to find out it is the Sail. TheSail is required to use the King of Red Lions.

Taura Island: Finding The Tingle Tuner (GBA)

When you get to Taura Island, you will find Tingle trapped in a jail cell. Sethim free by smashing all the jars in the corner of the room and step on theswitch. After a discussion, Tingle will give you the map to Tingle Island and theTingle Tuner. You can now use your Game Boy Advance to communicate with Tingle.

Outset Island: Super Spin Attack

Go to Outset Island and give Orca ten Knight Belts and he will teach you theSuper Spin Attack. To perform it, hold B, wait until it fully charges, thenrelease. Link will then spin rapidly for six seconds.

Outset Island: 5,000 Rupee Pouch

On the very top of Outset Island, float across the gap with the Deku Leaf. Bombthe rock in front of the cave and talk to the Great Fairy. She will give you theRupee Pouch.

Defeating Zeetlock

After escaping the flood, use the Magic Hammer and hit Zeetlock to make him fallinto the water. When it tries to perform a beak smash on you, dodge it and itsbeak will get stuck, making it weak. Smack it with the hammer until its helmetcracks off. Now strike Zeetlock's head with your sword to defeat it.

Defeating The God's Tower Boss

Auto lock onto the Boss' hands using your bow and fire. Then, shoot arrows at thetwo red eyes. When its head drops to the ground, throw a bomb into its mouth.Repeat this three times and it will fall.

Defeating Ganondorf

When Princess Zelda shoots Ganondorf with a Light Arrow, walk up and hit him witha few sword combos. Once Ganondorf receives enough damage, line yourself up withPrincess Zelda, so that when she fires a Light Arrow towards you, Link candeflect it off the Mirror Shield and hit Ganondorf. Once Ganondorf is stunned,move in and hit him with your sword. Repeat this until he is defeated.

Defeating The Forest Haven Boss

You must first disconnect all of the roots from the ceiling using the boomerang.Work fast before the roots grow back. When it falls from the ceiling, quicklyattack the weak center. After ten to twelve sword hits, the Boss will be defeated.

Defeating The Dragon Roost Island Boss

When the battle starts, use the grapple hook and grab on to the red tail that ishanging from the ceiling and swing across the Boss. It will cause a large boulderto drop on his head and stun him. Then, attack his eye with your sword to defeathim.

Defeating Desert Sand Ray

Equip the Hookshot and target the tip of the purple tentacle. Once you grab thetentacle, slice it with your sword. Get back before it closes up on you andcontinue to Hookshot the tentacle and attack it with your sword until it dies.

The Roaming Eye

Stuck in a room? Simple! All you need to do isstand in one place for a while and Link willstart to look around the room. Sometimes, he'lllook at a switch or whatever you need toactivate.

Alternate Costumes And DX Camera

Successfully complete the game and save at the end. Start another game with thatsaved game file. Aril will be wearing the skull shirt from the ending, Link willwear his pajamas from the beginning all the way through the game, and the DXcamera that takes color pictures will be in your inventory.

Alternate Background Music

Enter 'Zelda' as a name when you begin a new game to hear slightly differentbackground music throughout the game.

Sword Attacks

We have no unlockables for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no easter eggs for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Elixer Soup Glitch

First take the elixer soup out then use the soupand press start really fast. You should be at youritems screen. Take out the tingle tuner (if youdont have one get it at windfall island jail) andplace it in the slot where the soup is in. Youshould end up drinking half but you still havethe full bottle. NOTE this is very useful whenyou need hearts really bad.

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Created by: Matt 'Biff Slamkovich' Murray.Read the full guide...

a:1:i:0;a:2:s:13:”section_title”;s:33:”Hidden Mysteries – Civil War Tips”;s:12:”section_body”;s:33811:”Check out our tips and tricks for Hidden Mysteries – Civil War. Find out where some of the smallest, hard-to-find items are locatated and learn the basics of Cannonball so you can get as many hints as you need!


  • There are 2 modes, Timed mode or Relaxed. In Timed Mode you will play against the clock. In Relaxed Mode you will have unlimited time to complete the game.
  • Since some items are very hard to find, you may want to play in Relaxed Mode. This will allow you plenty of time to look for items since so many can be very tiny. It will also give you plenty of time to play the Cannonball mini game if you are in need of more hints.
  • If you do not feel like reading the clues as you go along in the game, you can do so later. Just click on the envelope that is on the main page and you can read all the clues you’ve collected at once.
  • When they game asks for a person’s name, look for a figure or a portrait of a person. Once they asked for a President, it turned out to be the name 'Lincoln' carved into the back of a chair.
  • Several items are landscaped into the grass, carved on a stone or a piece of wood. Other items blend into the clouds in the sky. Other items appear only as shadows of the actual item. Keep all of these things in mind when looking for things.
  • All clues may not be visible on the list at one time. As you find some items from the list, others will appear in their place. Keep checking the list as it updates itself so you can look for all the items in a timely manner.
  • You may click on an item that you know is correct and the game is not accepting it. Since a lot of items are so small in the game you have to make sure that you place your cursor in precisely the right spot.
  • If you’re having a hard time clicking on an item that is close to the edge of the page. Minimize the screen from the options menu and it should be easier to click on it then.
  • If you can’t find an item in a screen, click on the 'map' option and go to another location. Sometimes you can focus too hard on a scene and it makes it harder to find items. By the time you return to that scene you will get a fresher look.
  • You begin each period with 3 hints. That’s not a lot of hints when you have 50 to 70 items to look for at one time. Use them as a last resort only.
  • When you click on a hint make sure that you are looking at the screen, if you’re not paying close attention you risk the chance of missing the hint. The hint will only glimmer for a short amount of time. If you miss it you will have to waste another hint.
  • When you run out of hints you can obtain new hints by playing the Cannonball mini game. Just go back to the main map and click on 'Obtain more hints' in order to play.


  • In order to obtain more hints you have to play the Cannonball mini game which is similar to the Windows PC game Minesweeper. The purpose of the game is to find where all the cannonballs are hidden.
  • Start by clicking on any square in the grid. It should open up some squares with numbers on them. (I like to start by clicking each of the four corners of the grid, but your first click can be anywhere. The first click is guaranteed not to be a cannonball.)
  • The numbers refer to how many cannonballs are touching that square. So if you see a '1' then one of the squares touching the grid is a cannonball, and all the rest are blank. If you see a '4,' then four of the squares around it are mines and the rest are blank, and so on.
  • If you guess that a square has a cannonball underneath, then right click on that square and it will be marked with a flag.
  • You can usually use logic to figure out which squares are cannonballs. For example, if a '1' is touching only one blank square, then that blank square must be a cannonball.

Example 1 (click to enlarge):

  • The '1' squares circled in green are only touching one other square, so I know that the squares they are touching must be cannonballs and have marked them with flags. The '2' marked with a green square around it is only touching two empty squares, so I know that both of those squares must be cannonballs.
  • If there are any other squares with '1' that are touching the cannonballs I’ve identified, I know that the rest of the squares around the '1's can’t possibly be cannonballs too, otherwise the number would be more than 1. So, I can click on all of the squares that are bordering those '1' squares (which I’ve marked in solid green circles.)

Example 2 (click to enlarge):

  • After clicking all of the squares mentioned above, some new squares and numbers have opened up. Again, the '1's at the top of the screen are all touching the cannonball I’ve already identified, so the squares to the left of them must be blank.
  • The '2' square directly below the middle cannonball on the right-hand-side is already touching two cannonballs, so any other squares it’s touching must be blank.
  • The two that I’ve marked inside a red square is touching one cannonball already, but is only touching one other square. Therefore, that second square must be a cannonball and should be marked with a flag.


  • In each level there will be one letter that has a coded message. You will be given a letter in which actual letters are replaced with symbols. It’s up to you to figure out which symbols go with which letters.
  • The symbols and the alphabet are at the bottom of the page. Click and drag a letter from the alphabet over to one of the symbols above it. Once you place the letter next to the symbol, the symbols will be substituted by the letters in the coded letter itself.
  • The best way to figure out these messages is by looking at the simple words first. Pick a 3 letter word and figure out what it could be. For example if you have '&ou' then you know that you must substitute the '&' for a 'Y'.
  • Once you get the simple words out of the way then you can begin to look at more complex words. Find a word that may look familiar and experiment with the letters that you think may replace the symbols.
  • If you make a mistake and place the wrong letter next to a symbol, you can right click on it and it will go back into inventory.
  • Once the letter has been decoded then the actual letter will be revealed and placed in your clue box.

1861 – Battle of Wilson’s Creek

1862 – Battle of Antietam

1863 – Battle of Gettysburg

1864 – Siege of Atlanta


1861 – 10 butterflies


1862 – 10 flowers

1863 – 10 keys

1863 – 10 fireflies

1863 – 10 cards

1863 – 10 chess pieces

1864 – 10 loose bolts

1864 – 10 arrows

1865 – 10 gems

1865 – 10 chalices


Here is a brief list of hard to find items in each location. The list is divided by year. This is not a complete list, just a list of some of the items that I encountered during the game.

1861 Battle of Fort Sumter

  • 3 keys(1) Top right side (2) Bottom right side, on the barrel by the window (3)Bottom left side of the stand that the cannon sits on.
  • 5 coins (1) On the floor, next to link chain (2)On the large cannon, towards the middle (3) Right corner, almost off the screen (4) Bottom right side, by the red book (5) Right side, close to the window. On the edge of the stand of where the cannon sits.
  • Bell – It is a silver desk bell, that is at the bottom of the large cannon.
  • Bullet – It in on the bottom left side, in between the links of the chain that sits on the ground.
  • Butterfly – It is on the bottom right side, on top of the chair.
  • Horse – Top left side, it blends into the brick wall.
  • Knight – It is a chess piece that is on the top left side.
  • Note – It is a musical note that blends into the wall, top left side.
  • Quill – Top left side,it is a red feather that blends into the arch.
  • World Map – It blends into the floor, right side by the drums.

1861 – Battle of Wilson’s Creek

Wind waker mini games
  • ENCODED LETTER – It is on the lower right side, on the grass.
  • Female symbol – Bottom left side, on the railing.
  • Fish – It is a green fish on the top right side of the screen.
  • Male Symbol – Top left side of the bridge, it blends in with the rusted metal.
  • Morse Code – It is a series of dots along the left side of the railing closest to you.
  • Moth – Blends into the wood of the railing, bottom left side.
  • Pinecone – Bottom right, in between the railings, blends into the grass.
  • Poison – It is a symbol of a skull and crossbones that is on the bottom left side, on the railing.
  • Tomato – The tomato is green and is on the top right side, in the bushes.
  • Wrench – Top left side of the bridge.
  • 'X' – Blends into the wood, bottom right side of the railing.

1861 – First Battle of Bull Run

  • Bolt – Bottom right side, it blends into the grass.
  • Book – It is an open book that sits on the right side of the water.
  • Cursor – It is pointing at the arch on the right.
  • Fish – Top right side of the arch on the right.
  • Glasses – Bottom left side, it blends into the grass.
  • Kangaroo – A dark image that is inside the arch on the left.
  • Puzzle Piece – It blends into the background of the arch that is on the left.
  • Smiley Face – It is inside the arch on the right side.

1862 Battle of Antietam

  • ENCODED LETTER – It is on top of the tent, it blends in with the fabric.
  • Antietam – The word is blended into the inside of the tent.
  • Butterfly – It is a blue butterfly that is on the top left side, on the leaves.
  • Biohazard – The symbol is inside the back of the tent, it blends in with the cloth.
  • Butter Knife – Top left side, on the tree.
  • Dumbbell – Black, on the bottom left side of the ground, blends in with soil.
  • Horseshoes (1)Bottom left side of the ground (2)Bottom right side of the ground (3)On Lincoln’s coat, at the bottom of his coat. The horseshoe is black so it blends in really well.
  • Hourglass – On top of the tent.
  • Ladybug – Bottom left corner of the screen, almost off the page.
  • Lightning bolt – On top of the tent.
  • Magnifying Glass – Bottom right side, on the ground under the tent.
  • Phone – Phone receiver, on top of the inside of the tent.
  • Star – Landscaped into the bushes on the left side.
  • Stiletto – A green shoe that blends into the trees, top left side.
  • Question Mark – Left side, carved into the barrel.

1862 Battle of Fredericksburg

  • Ammonite – A nautilus shaped fossil. It is at the bottom right side by the water.
  • Bell – Top left side.
  • Clothespin – Bottom left side, on top of the wooden beam.
  • Dog Tags – Top left side, on the roof.
  • Elephant – It blends into the wall by the river, right side.
  • Faucet – Left side, on the wall.
  • Handprint – At the bottom by the river
  • Key_ Top left side on the roof.
  • Knife – At the bottom of the river, behind the lantern on left side.
  • Pan – Top left side on the grass, it looks like a rock since it’s tilted on the side.
  • Razor Blade – Top left side, on the roof.
  • Safety Pin – Bottom left side, on the wooden beam.
  • Spring – Bottom left corner.

1862 Battle of the Ironclads

  • Americas – Map that blends into the pole on the left side.
  • Biohazard Symbol – Bottom left side of the ground, in front of the column.
  • Bolts – (1)Lower left side by the column(2) Lower right corner.
  • Bullet – Lower left corner.
  • Fish – (1) Bottom left side of the ground, it’s very tiny and it blends into the ground. (2) Far right side, on the water. It’s very tiny and it sits in between the railings. (3) Top right side, on the back side of the boat. It looks like a black stamp.
  • Medikit – Bottom left side, almost off the scene. It leans against the column.
  • Sailboat – Left side, blends into the column.
  • Spider – Bottom right corner, almost off the screen.

1862 Battle of Shiloh

  • Arrow – It is on the bottom right corner, cut into the grass itself, blends in very well.
  • Bishop – Chess piece that is on the very bottom right side of the scene, in between the leaves.
  • Bottle – Bottom right side, it’s a dark bottle in front of a dark rock.
  • Butterfly – Top left side of the tree.
  • Dead Leaves – Bottom left side, by the bench. Close to George Washington’s head.
  • Fish – It is a green fish that blends into the tree, top left side.
  • Mint – Bottom right corner, in the grass.
  • Pepper – It’s a green pepper top left side.
  • Pinecone – Top left side of the tree.
  • Ring – It is on the very bottom right side of the scene, on the ground.
  • Spider – Very hard to see, bottom left side, under the bench.
  • Squirrel – Bottom right side, it’s a grey squirrel that is sitting in front of a grey rock.

1862 Second Battle of Bull Run

  • Books (1) Open book in the back of the scene, on the right side of the ground, close to the hill (2) Bottom of the scene, by the wood plank (3) Bottom right side, on the grass by the grey rocks (4) On the hill in the middle (5) It’s a green book that blends into the grass on the lower left side.Close to the water.
  • Bracelet (1) Bottom left side, it is a colorful bracelet (2) Bottom right side. It is a silver bracelet that sits on top of a rock.
  • Cane – It is on the cannon that sits in front of the hill that is in the middle.
  • Cannonballs (1)Right side, on the edge of the scene (2) Bottom right side, close to the water, by the large wheel. (3) Lower left side, by the water, on the grass (4) Far left side, in between the first and second hill.
  • Cucumber – Top left side, blends in with the grass on the hill.
  • Duck – Bottom left side, by the water, in between the leaves.
  • Footprint – Bottom right corner, it blends into the ground.
  • Gauze – Bottom right side, by the rocks. It looks more like a roll of duct tape.
  • Locket – On the left side of the ground, it is gold.
  • Magnet – It sits on the hill that is on the right side, above the cannon.
  • Medicine Tablets – Bottom right side, by the small pile of grey rocks.
  • Moth – Bottom left side, on top of the barrel.
  • Mt. Rushmore – Top left side, it blends in with the clouds.
  • Nail Polish – Bottom left corner, on the grass. very tiny.
  • Puzzle Piece – It blends into the hill that is in the middle.
  • Pyramid – It is on the hill that is on the right.
  • Sign – It is a wooden sign that’s very hard to see in the back of the scene. It is in between the 2ND and 3RD hill.
  • Spices – Bottom left side, it is a multi – colored bottle behind the barrel.
  • Vase – It’s a clear glass vase that sits in between the 2 hills on the left.

1863 Battle of Chancellorsville

  • Bullet – bottom left corner, close to the edge of the scene.
  • Camel – It blends into the lower far left side of the wall, at the bottom.
  • Clover – It is a 3 leaf clover that sits on the bottom left corner, on the grass.
  • Dentures – It is against the back wall, right side, on the ledge.
  • Gem – A small purple piece that sits on the left side of the grass.
  • Hammer – Tiny hammer that sits in the bottom right corner of the scene, by the water.
  • Mushroom – Tiny, it is on the bottom right side, on the grass, next to the water.
  • Paper Roll – Toilet paper that is on the right side of the grass, close to the rocks.
  • Peanut – In the middle of the ruins. In the center of the scene.
  • Umbrella. In the middle of the scene, almost at the back wall. it blends in with the wall.

1863 Battle of Chattanooga

  • Birdhouse – Top of the scene, on the bark of the large tree that is in the middle.
  • Books (1) Bottom left corner, on the ground (2) Bottom right corner, on top of a rock (3)On the ground, by wooden fence, right side.
  • Cave – Above the wooden fence, on the hill.
  • Easel – It is behind the middle post of the wooden fence, on the ground.
  • Elephant – Blends into the top right side of the hill.
  • Heart – It is carved into the top of the middle post of the wooden fence.
  • Sock – top left side of the hill.
  • Starfish – Top left side, it blends into the hill.
  • Dog Biscuit – Bottom right corner, behind the rock.
  • Jeans – Top right side of the hills, it blends into the scenery.
  • Lemon – At the bottom right side of the wooden fence.
  • Pocketbook – It looks like a coin purse, bottom right side. In front of the 3 stacked wooden logs.
  • Puzzle Piece – It blends into the top left side of the hill. Below the house.
  • Question mark – It is carved onto the first post of the wooden fence.
  • Spatula – It is carved on the lower side of the middle post that is on the wooden fence.

1863 Battle of Chickamauga

  • Broccoli – It blends into the top right side of the grassy hill.
  • Bullet Mold – It is on the ground, right corner.
  • Dead Leaf – Bottom right side, under the cannon.
  • Fire Poker – It is on the top left side of the scene, leaning from the ground.
  • Dog Collar – Bottom right side of the ground, by the wheel of the cannon.
  • Guitar – Tiny, on the right side. On the side of the cannon.
  • Handkerchief – Bottom right side, on top of the grey rock.
  • Ladder – It on the right side, carved inside the wheel of the cannon.
  • Lobster – It is on the ground, bottom right corner. You can barely see it, it’s like shadow almost.
  • Peas – Bottom right side, on the grass by the large log.
  • Pinecone – Bottom right side, on the grass by the large log.
  • Pocket Knife – Bottom left side, black knife that is on the log.
  • Rifle – Bottom left side, on the grass by the large log.
  • Ornament – A clear ball that is hanging from the top of the tree on the right corner.
  • Pretzel – On the side of the cannon, close to the wheel.
  • Sock – Bottom right side, on top of the grey rock.
  • Spring – Top right side, above the cannon, on the tree.
  • String – A brown string that is on the bottom right side of the ground, by the cannon.
  • Tomato – It is a green tomato that is in the middle of the grass, by the large log.
  • Whale’s Tail – Top right side, on the grass

1863 Battle of Gettysburg

  • ENCODED LETTER – Bottom right side, close to the building, on the grass.
  • Anchor – Right side of the building, in between the 2 windows. On the brick itself.
  • Burnt Paper – Behind the right side of the building, against the sky.
  • Easel – Bottom right side of the building, on the grass.
  • Knife – Bottom right side, on the white fence.
  • Moth – Top right side of the building.
  • Pencil – Bottom left side, on the window.
  • Revolver – Top right side of the building.
  • Rocks (1) Bottom left side, by the fence (2)Bottom right side, on the ground close to the white fence.
  • Shovel – Bottom right side of the building, close to the fence.
  • Star – On the bottom window of the right side.
  • Watermelon – Top left side of the building, close to the clock.

1863 Siege of Vicksburg

  • Asterisk – Top left side, under the tree leaves, against the background.
  • Binoculars – Bottom right side of the trunk of the tree.
  • Book – An open book on the right side, close to the hills.
  • Boot – Bottom right side, they are brown.
  • Bottle – Green bottle on the top left side of the tree.
  • Diving Helmet – Green helmet that is on the top left side of the tree.
  • Eiffel Tower – Bottom left side, against the trunk of the tree.
  • Glove – Black glove, bottom right side. On top of a grey piece of wood.
  • Knife – Right side, on the trunk of the small tree.
  • Letter – Bottom right side corner.
  • Mouse – Bottom right side, on top of a grey piece of wood.
  • Mushroom – Bottom left side.
  • Olive – At the bottom left side of the grass. Close to the edge of the scene.
  • Pencil – In the middle of the scene, on a weaved basket.
  • Poker Chip – On the ground sitting on top of a rock.
  • Pretzel – On the right side of the tree, against the brown basket (looks like a basket anyway).
  • Ring – Bottom right side, on the grass.
  • Rolling Pin – Bottom right side, on the grass. Close to the small tree.
  • Rune Stones – A pile of stones at the bottom right side of the grass.

1864 Battle of Cold Harbor

  • Alaska – Shadow of Alaska, top right side of the house.
  • Army Men – top right side of the roof.
  • Chair – Bottom right side, in front of the house.
  • Club – Golf Club, on the top right side of the roof.
  • Crowbar – Bottom left side, on the side of the house.
  • Dice – Top of the house, a pair of red dice that are in the window in the middle.
  • Ear – lower part of the house, inside the third window.
  • Gauze – A grey looking roll, bottom right corner of the picket fence.
  • Kettle – Bottom right side, by the picket fence.
  • Match – Lower part of the house, on the side of the wall, in between the second and third window.
  • Nightstick – On the house, by the door.
  • Place Name – Left side there’s a sign that says 'Cold Harbor Tavern'
  • Razor Blade – Lower part of the house, above the window in the middle.
  • Pizza Cutter – Bottom left side of the house, by the door.
  • Pouch – Top left side of the roof, above the first window.
  • Spoon – Top left side of the roof.
  • Telegraph – Old – fashioned telegraph machine, bottom right side, on the grass.
  • Tennis Ball. Green ball that is in between the picket fence on the right.
  • Wasp – Bottom right side, on the gravel
  • Wedding Band – Top left side, above the 'Cold Harbor tavern' sign.

1864 Battle of the Wilderness

  • Broom – Bottom right side, leaning against the tree.
  • Cake – Bottom right corner, on the ground.
  • Cow Skull – Top of the scene, in the middle.
  • Crown – In the center of the ground, leaning against a piece of wood.
  • Dog Biscuit – Bottom right side, under the log.
  • Fallen Leaf – Bottom right side, a single leaf on the ground.
  • Guitar – Right side, leaning against a tree.
  • Letter – Bottom left side, on a rock.
  • Mouse – Computer mouse, bottom right side.
  • Roach – Bottom right side, carved on a large rock.
  • Shuttlecock – Left side, close to the center of the trunk of the largest tree.
  • Shovel – Bottom right side, against a thick tree.
  • Squirrels (1)Bottom left side, on the ground (2) Bottom right side, on the ground in between the 2 trees on the right.
  • Umbrella – Green umbrella, top left side.
  • Zero – Top right side, on the trunk of the tree.

1864 Siege of Atlanta

  • Bonsai – Under the second window from the right.
  • Cowboy Hat – top right side.
  • Envelope – On the left side of the train tracks.
  • Fish – Inside the right side of the train tracks.
  • Iron – Bottom right side, inside the train tracks. Almost off the scene.
  • Jeans – On the front of the train.
  • Key – On the second window from the right.
  • Lizard – Right side of the train tracks.
  • Milk – On the second window from the right.
  • Olive – Top of the scene, towards the middle.
  • Pan Pipes – lower left side, on a rock.
  • Seahorse – On the back wall. In between the second and third window from the left.
  • Spoon – Tiny gold spoon on the left side of the train tracks.
  • Teacup – On the front side of the train.
  • Thumbs up – Bottom left side, sticking out of the side of the scene.
  • Whale Tail – Top left side, above the train.
  • Yarn – Under the window farthest to the right.
  • Yin Yang – On the front of the train

1864 Siege of Petersburg

  • Battle Name – 'Petersburg' is on the left side, by the cannon.
  • Beetle – Bottom left corner, almost off the scene.
  • Bell – Silver bell, right side, behind the platform in which the cannon sits on.
  • Cracker – Left side, on the wooden plank that is leading to the cannon. It blends into the wood.
  • Letter – In front of the cannon.
  • Mouse – Bottom left side, hanging off the ledge.
  • Mouse Trap – Bottom left side, on the ledge.
  • Pencil Sharpener – Bottom right corner of the scene.
  • Star – On the side of the cannon.
  • Volcano – In the back of the scene, on top.

1864 Spotsylvania Court House

  • Barrel – It’s hiding behind the left side of the house, on the grass.
  • Candy Cane – Top right side of the house, it blends in with the brick wall.
  • Faucet – Lower right side of the house, close to the pink foliage.
  • Knife – Top right side of the house.
  • Lemons – 2 small lemons on the lower left corner.
  • Light Switch – On the front door.
  • Medallion – At the bottom of the scene, on the left side of the small round wooden beams.
  • Medical kit – Bottom left side of the house, on the porch.
  • Pretzel – Above the front door.
  • Rainbow – Top left side, in the sky.
  • Thumbtack – Bottom left side, by the walkway to the house. On the edge of the scene.
  • Tongs – On the porch, by the second column from the right.

1865 Appomatox Court House

  • Belt – Under the desk, close to the fireplace.
  • Compass – On the desk.
  • Corkscrew – Bottom right side, close to the small desk.
  • Crate – Bottom right, on the floor by the tall cabinet.
  • Dog Tags – Bottom right side.
  • Dumbbell – On the large cabinet
  • Eagle – In the back of the room, on the wall. Above the picture frame.
  • Egg – On top of the mantle. It is a brown egg that is on the wooden clock.
  • Football – Bottom right side, under the small desk
  • Gavel – On the desk.
  • Ink Bottle – On the desk.
  • Letter – Top right side, inside the picture frame on the wall.
  • Matchbox – On the bottom right side, on the edge of the wood piece. Almost off the screen.
  • Moon – On the white part of the fireplace.
  • Rifle – On the top left side of the tall cabinet.
  • Scallop – On top of the tall cabinet.
  • Shoe Print – Top right side, on the ceiling.
  • Shoes – Bottom left side, under the large desk.

Wind Waker Squid Game

1865 Ford’s Theatre

Wind Waker Cheats Cannonball Games

  • ENCODED LETTER – Bottom left side, at the bottom of the curtains.
  • Abacus – Top right side, it is a black and red abacus on the wall.
  • Brass – Gold musical instrument, bottom right side, under the sofa.
  • Butterfly – Bottom right side of the carpet. Part of the carpet pattern.
  • Cross – Top right side. Yellow cross on the yellow part of the wall.
  • Hockey Puck – Right side, on the red sofa.
  • Key – Left side of the wall, by the curtains.
  • Moon – On the carpet pattern, left side of the floor.
  • President – 'Lincoln' is carved on the back of the chair that is on the left side.
  • Propeller – Part of the carpet pattern, lower right side of the floor.
  • Santa hat – Top right side, against the red wall paper.
  • Sausage – Right side, on the back of the chair.
  • Sock – Top right side, white sock against the curtains.
  • Spider – Top right side, behind the couch.

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